Get Rewarded For Your Eco-efforts
Hey Planet People!
Thanks for stopping by to learn how together, we can repurpose our packaging! Sustainability is at the center of everything we do. Our intention is to keep our products holistic & safe while protecting the environment.
Our internal Zero-Waste Program is a simple way to score free bags of protein through Planet Points. Not only do you earn Planet Points when you purchase a bag of Chocolate Magic ($1 spent = 1 Planet Point), but you receive Planet Points for your eco-efforts by helping us repurpose your used empty bags!
Read on below to see how you can earn free bags of Chocolate Magic through stacking up Planet Points, all while doing the planet a favor. Thank you for caring about this beautiful earth!

How To Earn Planet Points
All you need to do this

It’s easy being green! Let’s get started!

$1 spent = 1 Planet Point.

Save 20 empties, and mail them back for FREE (contact us & we will send you a label!) We’ll award you with 200 Planet Points.

When you reach 560 Planet Points, log in to your account and check out a bag of Chocolate Magic. The discount will automatically update.

Closing The Loop
Planet Protein is committed to operating in a way that not only protects the planet but PROMOTES biodiversity, organic living, and ethical standards. We source our ingredients, choose our packaging, and innovate new products all with the planet’s wellbeing at the forefront of our mind.
We ship our products in post-consumer materials. We use eco-paper tape, and we include inserts made of post-consumer Kraft paper printed with soy ink! We have carbon neutral shipping since we plant 1 tree with each bag of Chocolate Magic purchased.
Since production of the waste cannot be avoided, our next best option is to recycle and repurpose it. This program was created to “close the loop” and keep our bags out of landfill! And because of this zero-waste program, more companies can use our post-consumer materials instead of sourcing raw materials from the earth!
Successful waste reduction requires teamwork. Join us and our efforts as we strive to heal the planet, Planet People, and all of it’s inhabitants 🌎

You can reuse our awesome wooden scoops for oatmeal, flour, dry goods, pet food, pancake/waffle mix, bulk herbs & spices, or coffee! You can even bury them in the soil since they are 100% compostable. If you don’t want the scoops, we do! We will upcycle them & put them to good use – just send em’ back with your bags.

Thanks for doing your part to help the environment and make our planet a little cleaner & greener. These simple efforts make a BIG sustainable difference!
“We don’t need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly.” Anne Bonneau