Reforestation & Ocean Preservation
We partner with @onetreeplanted to plant trees, and our team plans to travel with the organization so we can help plant the actual trees ourselves! We also have a zero-waste program to ensure our waste from entering the landfills & the oceans. For each bag of Chocolate Magic purchased, one tree is planted.
We use organic ingredients that promote biodiversity and refrain from ingredients that damage the planet through erosion, monocultures, pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides.

Human Trafficking
We are partners with the Child Rescue Coalition, which is a nonprofit organization that rescues children from sexual abuse by building technology for law enforcement, free of charge, to track, arrest, and prosecute child predators.
This rescue has solid statistics such as:
- – Rescuing 2866 Children
- – Arresting 12461 Predators
- – Preventing 600,000 Cases of Abuse
- – Actively Saving Children in 96 Countries Worldwide

Slave Labor
As a conscious company, we are constantly researching the sources we are purchasing from. We always recommend trying your best to buy as much local and organic produce as possible! Support companies that are transparent about their processes and sourcing.
Question whether companies are using sustainable, fair, and ethically-sourced supplies or not. Fair wages? Equal opportunity? Post-consumer materials? Organic materials?
Defunding unethical operations and putting money towards good, ethical businesses has a huge impact. By voting with your dollar, you help raise standards which prevents humans from working in poor conditions.

Animal Rights
We are here to show the world how amazing plant-based living is! You don’t have to be vegan to enjoy amazing plant-based meals & superfoods. We’re not asking you to go vegan, we’re asking you to open your mind to something new, sustainable, cruelty-free, and rewarding!. Something different. Something you might look back years later as the greatest decision you ever made. We are the leaders for the next generation and Planet Protein’s goal is to inspire other companies to stop using animal agriculture as food. The world manages to feed 60 billions farm animals but cannot feed 7.8 billion people. That is a huge issue! The future generation depends on us to help them see the world through a new lens, and perhaps more compassionate world.
We encourage you to dive into research about factory farming and what it does to human health, the environment, and the animals. We share research and information via our blogs and social media.
Here are a few great resources:
- The China Study
- Game Changers Movie
- NutritionFacts.org
- Earthlings Forks Over Knives
Our 1 animal saved is calculated like so:
There are 3500 calories in a bag of our Chocolate Magic. The standard American diet suggests people eat 2000 calories/day. By eating an entire bag of our Chocolate Magic, you save 1 animal’s life since you are eating plant-based calories vs animal calories.
However, our animal-saving efforts don’t end there! We also donate funds to animal sanctuaries. If you stick around, you will see awesome animal sanctuary fundraisers and raffles throughout our journey. We are advocates for vegan living and ending factory farming. All of the recipes we post are vegan recipes, hoping to inspire our Planet Fam to swap animal products for healthy, plant-based alternatives.

Racial Justice
We will continue to show up for communities of color, listen, and commit to a future of justice. A huge positive is that millions of people are trying to navigate and invoke change! It’s time to evolve.
Let’s continue to dive deeper into the truth of white supremacy and corruptness. Everyday is a chance to grow and unite!
We partner with the Black Urban Gardening Society to promote food sovereignty, organic living, and to decrease the amount of food deserts.

Ethically Sourced Ingredients/ Heavy Metal Testing
We source our ingredients from the earth. We make sure that the farmers we work with are ethical, sustainable, and holistic. Check out more of our sustainable sourcing practices here.
For example, the coconut crew we buy from works on an exclusive basis with farms near their production facilities throughout India, Indonesia, and the Philippines. It is their mission to ensure that mutually rewarding trade exists with their farmers and that their families, villages, and new generations share in the worldwide growth of the coconut industry.They have implemented socioeconomic programs to help educate villagers in giving back to their own communities, and they support their efforts by paying them more than fair prices for their products.
We test for BPA, dangerous heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, plastics, GMOs, gluten, mold, and many other contaminants. Check out this graphic explaining metals found in the soil and how they are different from dangerous heavy metals.

Permaculture/ Food Sovereignty
One of our company goals is to source more of our ingredients from biodynamic organic farms and permacultures! Permaculture is the ethical, scientific and synchronistic design of natural systems to ensure a sustainable philosophy of living. It also aims to facilitate abundance for the future of humanity by producing all the food and materials it needs on a local scale. Simply put, permaculture is the collaboration of humans and nature in action.
Due to the unsustainable agricultural practices that the world currently employs (monocultures, use of pesticides/ herbicides/ fungicides, factory farming), permaculture is an evidence-based solution to the self-destructive path the planet’s current food system is on.
We recommend watching the permaculture documentary: “The Need to Grow”

Gay Rights
We are committed to supporting the LGBTQ+ community. We are here to support + empower organizations that are breaking stereotypes, creating opportunities, and fighting equal rights! We stand with BIPOC communities as well as LGBTQ+ communities and forever and will continue to partner to raise awareness and invoke change.