3 Fresh Ideas for your Brown Paper Bag

3 Fresh Ideas for your Brown Paper Bag
Time to get more from your recycling!
Ripen Fruit Faster

Line a Raised Garden Bed

Don't want to wait any longer on that banana? A brown paper bag is one of the best ways to hasten the ripening of fruit. Fruit ripens when ethylene gas regulates the process. Combining fruit, especially with an apple, in a brown paper bag concentrates the ripening hormone and moves it right along!
Collect Compost

We're always looking to help people start composting! Brown bags decompose naturally, so they're the perfect vessel to collect garden waste, food scraps, and any other forms of waste suitable to be composted. If you're living in a more urbanized setting, utilize freezer space in order to prevent your compost from rotting or leaking while you collect.