3 Summer Vegetables to Plant and Harvest

3 Summer Vegetables to Plant and Harvest
3 Summer Vegetables to Plant and Harvest
Summer is here! It is hot as ever across much of the country. School is out, the water is warm, and we've got a garden to plant. Summer presents us with the opportunity to sew the seeds for a tremendous fall harvest, leaving us with a rich collection of nutritious vegetables just in time for the Thanksgiving season.
Take a look at 3 easy summer vegetables to plant this year!
Easy to raise from the seed, and grow vertically. Beans are one of the most nutritiously efficient uses of your garden space. With hundreds of uses and dozens of varieties, beans are a staple of any home garden. With less space for squash, zucchini, and other larger veggies, beans can be the perfect staple for any urban or apartment garden.
Hot Peppers
Did someone say picante?! The Summer is best for peppers of all varieties, but for the fun of it let's focus on the spicy side of things. Depending on your preference, a small pot is all one needs for a flourishing pepper plant. Jalapenos, habaneros, and Thai chili's all flourish when the heat is on (no pun intended). These peppers can be dried, canned in oil for a spicy drizzle, or used in a myriad of red hot recipes. Don't forget the gloves!!
Plant both the slicing and pickling varieties during the summer months. These crunchy mainstays load up during the rainy season and yield for so many options. Whether it be pickles on a burger, or a sliced cucumber salad, these incredibly nutritious and hydrating veggies take full advantage of the available moisture to provide sustenance again and again.
No time for the cutting board? We got your pea protein here for now!