Before you toss out or donate that old couch, chair, or dresser, think about what you can do to make it more suitable for your home. It may seem a tad intimidating to turn your old furniture into something new, but the final product will be worth the work! Trash-to-treasure furniture ideas are endless, so we’ve only listed a few of our favorites (otherwise, we’d be here all day).
This is going to take some serious work; your desk is personal and should fit for you, whether that be height or length, drawers or shelves. Turning an old door into a desk is a fun way to repurpose those old vintage items special to your home.
You may not be able to find an old milk can, but there are a bunch of different items you can use as a base for a coffee table, including old tin cans, barrels, books you don’t intend to read again, and more—whatever fits your personality.
You know those pesky folding chairs that make up most of the clutter in your garage? You can repaint them to meet your tastes! Use them for extra seating when guests visit or to add customized flair to your living room.
New fabric can easily enhance old furniture. The finished product will look better if you remove the old fabric beforehand, though—so don’t forget this crucial, if not seemingly tedious, step. If you like this idea, but don’t currently have the time (or patience) to commit to a large project, start with smaller furniture and build up to bigger items.
Updating your dresser, hutch, or any piece of woodwork can be easy and time-consuming at the same time. Whether you change up the look of the wood with a new finish or completely change the vibe of the piece with a new coat of paint, there’s definitely a way to get that old piece of furniture to meet your new aesthetic.