Animal Protein vs. Plant Protein: Which is More Sustainable for Your Health?

Animal Protein vs. Plant Protein: Which is More Sustainable for Your Health?
Heart Disease
Plant protein is great for the heart. If you swap plant for animal protein, it lowers your risk of heart disease, decreases cholesterol, decreases fat in your blood, and keeps blood vessels healthy. A whole-food, plant-based diet supports a healthy heart & circulation.
Gut Health
We have billions of bacteria in our guts. They help us process food. These bacteria are also called gut microbiome. They influence our immunity, gut health, inflammation, and energy levels. Some are beneficial, but some can produce toxic by-products. Animal products rich in protein and fat promote the ‘bad’ bacteria that release toxins into our bloodstream. Some of these bacteria use a meat compound - carnitine - as an energy source and produce trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) as a waste product. TMAO is a dangerous substance that stimulates the build-up of cholesterol plaques in your blood vessels. Regular meat intake increases your risk of heart disease through yet another mechanism. Plant whole foods, rich in plant protein, fiber, and complex carbohydrates feed the good bacteria that have a positive effect on our health. Vegan diets can keep your gut wall strong and healthy, leading to lower levels of body inflammation & a stronger immune system.
Protein, Kidneys, and Bone Health
Kidneys filter and remove waste products from the blood and excrete them in urine. If we eat holistic foods that don’t put an extra strain on them, they work well. Animal protein can make them work hard and it may result in a reduced filtration capacity. If we overload them daily, there’s a higher chance we develop kidney disease. Data from a study spanning over 23 years suggest that animal protein from red and processed meat in particular seriously increases the risk of kidney disease later in life. The same study also revealed that plant protein from pulses (lentils, chickpeas, beans) and nuts has the opposite effect – it lowers the risk and seems to have a kidney-protective effect. Many scientific reviews agree that plant-based diets significantly lower the risk of kidney disease and can potentially halt the degree of damage in people with compromised kidney health.
At every meal, you have the opportunity to choose if you are fueling your body with nutrient-dense food or substances that can compromise your bodily functions... temporarily or permanently. As scientific research shows, there are consequences of consuming animal protein, and we encourage you all to dive into some research to find more truths. The information above is just scratching the surface of how plant-based protein is sustainable for your health!