Chefs That Are Revolutionizing Vegan Food

Chefs That Are Revolutionizing Vegan Food
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People are constantly coming up with new, healthy, and unique ways to inspire people around the world. In the food industry, there exist a few pioneers who strive to push plant-based cuisine to the forefront of mainstream cooking—discover some of the chef’s that are revolutionizing vegan food.
From modest beginnings to celebrity chef status, California vegan Chef Chloe Coscarelli has proven plant-based cuisine is not only satisfying but that there is a huge market for it. She is the author of four vegan cookbooks and recently has launched By Chloe—a vegan chain restaurant with over 15 locations throughout the U.S. and London.
Tal Ronnen is an Israeli Chef who is bending some of the unwritten rules of veganism. As opposed to more militant veganism, which remains too remote and stringent for the average Joe, Moskowitz encourages people to incorporate more plants into their diet without being totally restrictive. In his opinion, we should celebrate an individual’s efforts to cut down on meat and dairy should instead of criticizing them. His enticing cuisine reflects his personal philosophy quite well and has caught the attention of celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, and Arianna Huffington.
Almost 12 years ago, Matthew Kenney abandoned his pursuit of law school to open a culinary school in New York. Since transitioning into a fully plant-based chef, he’s developed a keen understanding of the various applications vegan food has in the kitchen. Kenney continues to battle against the culinary mindset that plant-based cuisine only exists in a niche setting. He’s brought new life to plant-based dishes and continues to expand his network and innovation to food-lovers all over the food spectrum.
Miyoko Schinner’s greatest passion is cheese—but not the animal-milk derived products we’re familiar with. She’s dedicated her adult life to crafting delicious vegan cheese alternatives to make the transition easier for people who love their cheesy snacks. More and more people are considering animal welfare and personal health factors before making food purchases, which has allowed Miyoko’s products to flourish.
Vegan chefs have long struggled to capture the umami flavor of real meat; however, sibling chefs Derek and Chad Sarno are making up for this with mushrooms. As the previous executive chef of Whole Foods Market, Derek Sarno believes primarily in sustainable, cruelty-free livelihood. The launch of his mushroom-based meat brand, Wicked Farms, is a continuation of that belief. The mushroom has various versatile applications in vegan cooking, and Sarno regards mushroom growing as a viable alternative for chicken farming. He’s currently working on transforming livestock farms into mushroom farms, engaging with farmers to ensure their continued prosperity as they could potentially supply Wicked Farms with produce.
Chefs That Are Revolutionizing Vegan Food
1. Chloe Coscarelli

2. Tal Ronnen

3. Matthew Kenney

4. Miyoko Schinner

5. Derek and Chad Sarno