Jon Cater’s 90lb Weight Loss Story

Jon Cater’s 90lb Weight Loss Story
We recently sat down with Jon Cater – a man on a mission – to gain some insight into what motivates his journey to wellness.
“You don’t have to get to your goal tomorrow, you just have to get through another day.” – Jon Cater
Earlier this year, Jon completed the challenging 75 Hard program (you’ll see videos of him running in the rain the prove it!). Not only did he lose 90 pounds, but he stuck to consuming a clean diet, and maintaining a positive mental attitude. This challenge consisted of two 45-minute workouts per day, one gallon of water per day, 10 pages of reading per day, no alcohol and no “cheat” foods. During this 75-day regimen, he started using Planet Protein to enhance recovery, how dope is this?!
“It [Planet Protein] doesn’t have this whole laundry list of things where I have to do the research,” Jon tells us, while explaining that he doesn’t have to ask himself, “is this good for me? What are the benefits?” Everything is right there on the label.
Watch this video for Jon’s story, plus words of wisdom to encourage you on your own journey. We look forward to sharing more personal stories to help form greater connections and inspire growth within. Cheers!