Even though consumer plastics have made transport and preservation of edible goods a truly globalized industry, these plastics will last far beyond our lifetimes through the traditional disposal method. Knowing we don't have the faculties to drastically increase the amount of plastic waste we recycle, alternative options are needed.
Enter bioplastics.
Bioplastics are essentially what they sound like - consumer plastic formed from organic sources, rather than their petrol based counterparts. On the surface, anything made from a renewable, natural source sounds like an improvement. In many ways it is! There is no disputing the upside of bioplastics. Check out these three pros and see why bioplastics are moving us into tomorrow.
1. They are made from renewable sources

Bioplastics are made from plant raw materials, and like all plants - these are a renewable resource. Petroleum extraction requires substantially more work and procedure than the conversion of plants into plastics, and it shows. Regardless of any "cons," this is an inseparable truth that immediately paves the way for bioplastics to take center stage.
2. Production requires far less carbon emissions

According to many sources, bioplastics routinely require up to 75% less carbon emissions to produce than their synthetic counterparts. From the source to the finishing touches, bioplastics are substantially less impactful on our planet than petroleum based. As petroleum supplies reduce as the years go by, the need for bioplastic innovation grows. While a newer and more expensive production process, the cumulative costs from start to finish may actually make bioplastics cheaper, as they require less fuel, emissions, and effort to harvest raw materials.
3. NO residual toxicity

One of the very worst things about cheap, single use plastic is the residual after effects left behind by the chemicals used in the process. These chemicals are often made worse with heat, and leach into everything that can absorb them - including your skin cells, soil, water, and even the air if burned. BPA (bisphenol-A) is the most egregious of them all, a purely destructive hormone disruptor that can have lasting impacts on individuals, especially those pregnant and nursing.
So what are the cons?!
Renewable raw materials, less emissions, no BPA? Why doesn't Planet Protein use bioplastics? What could possibly be the cons of bioplastics?