Vegan Seafood: What's New in 2019?

Vegan Seafood: What's New in 2019?

Vegan Seafood: What's New in 2019?

Vegan Seafood: The Latest and Greatest

Vegan meat substitutes have had a head start on vegan cheese. While meat replacements require a combination of realistic taste and texture, vegan cheese is attempting to replicate a biologically cultured reaction to the milk of an animal. It seems vegan seafood falls somewhere in between - not at the cutting edge in the way Beyond Meat has paced innovation, but not to the point of high prices vs. low quality with some vegan cheese brands. Vegan seafood is taking on a life of its own, finding its way into the foreground of an ever expanding vegan market. Check out these three awesome vegan seafood innovations sure to find their way to your plate!

Banana Blossom "Fish" Fry

banana blossom fish fry Banana Blossoms are a fresh new take on cross-cultural classics. It seems the love for fried, breaded food is universal - with dishes crossing continents and bridging national cuisine. Banana blossoms are as they are described - the flower of the world-defining banana plant. These blossoms are the perfect taste and texture to be breaded and fried. Whether invoking British tradition or frying these blossoms up in some Cajun spice, these are the perfect way to a harmless fish-n-chips meal.

Jackfruit "Crab" Cakes

jackfruit crab cakes This magically gigantic fruit is the heart behind Juicy Fruit gum, and most renowned as a masterful pulled pork substitute. Did you know that same shredded texture is the perfect medium for vegan crab cakes? Much like actual crab, canned jackfruit can be blended in the same way and hand formed for a perfect taste of Maryland!


cavi-art vegan caviar This one is pretty crazy! Now you can be as hoity-toity as an omnivore, and enjoy cavi-art, the official caviar replacement by Plant Based Foods. Cavi-art is made from a seaweed base, can last on shelves far longer than their traditional sturgeon egg counterparts, and can be enjoyed on hot and cold dishes. The best part... it's cholesterol free!

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