Why Cacao is the Official Superfood of Valentine's Day

Why Cacao is the Official Superfood of Valentine's Day

Why Cacao is the Official Superfood of Valentine's Day

We're crazy for cacao

Shop Self Love!
Alright, so maybe we're not the official certifying body, but we feel pretty strongly about cacao! Valentine's Day is a holiday with an incredible origin, and a myriad of modern associations. For some, Valentine's Day is a big night out, while for others it's a day to love oneself and spend time with friends. Without further ado, here's 5 reasons cacao is the ultimate Valentine's Day superfood!

1. Detoxify your bloodstream

It's hard to love life when we're full of free radicals! Cacao has forty times (40x!!) the antioxidants of blueberries. Cacao is a remarkably powerful detoxification agent capable of mitigating cell and tissue damage that can lead to cancer.

2. Single and Sullen? Cacao is a natural depression fighter

Worry not friends! Even if we're not spending Valentine's Day exactly how we want, life is abundant and beautiful. If you've got the blues, throw some cacao nibs on that smoothie bowl for a powerful uplifting effect. Cacao reinforces the happiness chemicals in the brain such as tyrosine, tryptophan, and serotonin.

3. A Healthy Heart

Metaphorically and organically, cacao makes for a healthier heart. Cacao is rich in magnesium, one of the most important minerals many in the western world are deficient in. Magnesium turns carbohydrates to energy, giving the brain more power to boost you to the next level.

4. Ironbound

Cacao is the richest plant based source of iron on Earth! Cacao has nearly triple the iron of beef and lamb, and more than double that of spinach. Cacao's powerful combination of iron and magnesium make it one of the most powerful superfoods to utilize when transitioning to a plant based diet, and to sustain optimal nutrition for life!

5. Safe from the "Pressure Zone."

Nitric oxide is a chemical that is absolutely intrinsic to healthy blood flow and athletic performance. The flavanols in cacao reduces blood pressure and improves blood vessel function. All roads lead to the heart, so make sure your circulatory system is living easy!

Category_Health Tips, self love, valentines day -
